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Cap's Police Reform

I was recently reading the entire original run of Avengers comics when I came across this panel from an early ‘80s issue.


It wasn’t odd just because the whole issue seemed like a thinly veiled metaphor for police reform with the exact same talking points that are shouted today. It’s because it was written by a notoriously harsh conservative man named Jim Shooter who was known for injecting his rightist politics into his work despite the editorial edict he himself made against doing so. Of course, that edict was almost entirely in place because he knew the rest of the writers at Marvel were liberals and he didn’t want that in the comics of the company he ran.

But even that dude knew this stuff about the police four decades ago and campaigned for the same changes that are still being called for today.

Ugh. I know there’s been progress, and progress can be slow, but this progress seems glacial even on that scale.

Bonus Question!

Best Marvel Jim?


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