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Once Again, I'm a Guy Who Knows Where His Towel Is

A few days ago, I came home after doing a bunch of errands with stuff that required a lot of organizing. While I was washing and drying my hands, I got a call from my agent about an audition I had to deal with immediately, which distracted me somewhat. But I dealt with all of the things and went on with my day.

I woke up on the following morning to discover that the towel I’d dried my hands with was missing, and I had no explanation. I wondered if I’d misplaced it during the previous afternoon’s distracted state. Or maybe in some semiconscious state during the night? Or someone broke in at some point? None of these theories could find reasonable purchase in my mind though. And you know my mind. With its OCD and all, it’s a great place for implausible ideas to find purchase. Nothing was working here though, and I put it out of my mind. Or really, it just dissipated out of my mind like the faintest fume from a cigarette in the ash tray of a car with a cracked window on the highway. When cars had ash trays. Anyway, I really didn’t need to put much effort into letting the thought out of my mind at that point because it really seemed to be a total mental cul-de-sac.

Then today, I was drying my hands with a different towel and the towel rack caught my eye in a new way.


It’s a silver towel rack against a white wall, and somehow, the pale fabric of the lost towel and blended in between the rack’s bars and the wall to be effectively invisible.

But now the towel’s found, and all’s good.

Bonus Question!

Best towel?

Probably Ford’s. It had that spot he could lick. For one thing.

Also, wow. I did not expect to have to wade through a bunch of car stuff to find a picture of the character Ford Prefect. At this point, I thought he’d be the more relevant one with that name. And I couldn’t even find this version without adding in …

Also, wow. I did not expect to have to wade through a bunch of car stuff to find a picture of the character Ford Prefect. At this point, I thought he’d be the more relevant one with that name. And I couldn’t even find this version without adding in “2005” to the Google search.

Spoils of Infinity War

“Endgame” just came out. “Game of Thrones” is ramping up to its finale. Talk about spoilers and the ethics thereof has not been more prevalent in recent memory.

Now, I remember hearing about some study a few years ago where scientists claimed to prove that spoilers can enhance the consumption of a story because humans subconsciously enjoy putting together a puzzle when they know the end result. Which is fine for some people.

But in recent weeks, I’ve heard that study cited far too much by all sorts of people who hold it up to be some sort of universal truth. But humanity’s not a hive mind, and it’s insane to claim that someone who avoids spoilers actually just doesn’t know that they secretly want them.

I’m not the most fervent opponent of spoilers. Its a personal decision. Like everything, people bear some responsibility for avoiding what they don’t want in their lives, but they also have the right to be annoyed at those who ruin their fun. People generally understand themselves enough to know what they want, and no study is going to trump individual taste. It’s not like vaccination. That stuff doesn’t care if you like needles. It’ll help you anyway. Not the same deal here.

Bonus Question!

Best needle?


Copyright © 2011, Jaymes Buckman and David Aaron Cohen. All rights reserved. In a good way.