At Least Put Your Hair Back On
My eye was recently caught by some random Facebook link to a ranking of the scariest and most disturbing music videos. The reason for this catching was the fact that the link’s image was a picture of the first thing that would have come to my mind at the mention of the subject: that skinless Robbie Williams from the “Rock DJ” video.
MuchMusic was a favourite channel choice for my brother in the era of that song, and thus I was exposed to its programming with a bit of frequency. An air of revulsion quickly developed whenever Williams' dancing wight came on the screen. Any opinions I might have formed on the actual tune were aborted by the acute unease the scenes incited deep within me.
But the sight of the track atop this random list pushed me to flip the song on for a moment in the absence of its gratuitous visual accompaniment. Coming at it clear from this remove, I derived legitimate pleasure from it. It’s now on my phone. I shan’t make plans to return to the video.
Bonus Question!
Honourable mention?
That "Where's Your Head At" video crept into my mind a little while after I first saw it and delayed sleep by a decent chunk of an hour.