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Gnostic Vaccines

I see a lot of these anti-vaccine people say that they’re not actually against vaccines. They just refuse to get the COVID vaccine because they don’t believe it’s a real vaccine. They think it’s any or many of countless bizarre conspiracies. So don’t worry! They’re good people! They’re not actually against science! They believe in science! They just don’t believe that any inconvenient example of science is actually science.

It reminds me of something like Gnosticism, which seemed to be a way to get out of being religious without seeming like a total heretic in times when disbelief in the divine would have been dangerous. Those dudes claimed to believe in God, but they got out of actually doing anything with that belief by saying the real God completely hopped out of this reality. The supposed God that everyone actually worships is a false and corrupt one, and since any signs of piety wouldn’t be able to reach the real one, a good Gnostic might not have to be that distinguishable from a denouncer of God.

But yeah. Science. Vaccines. They’re good actually.

Copyright © 2011, Jaymes Buckman and David Aaron Cohen. All rights reserved. In a good way.