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X-Song Rights

I just had this dream where some producer I was thinking about working with maliciously acquired the rights to my songs, and I didn't know how they could have been sold to him by someone else in the first place. Then I did some investigating and discovered that the rights were somehow held my Charles Xavier, and I didn't know why I would have given them to him. Like . . . I like the guy, and I trust him to a point, but I'm holding the rights to my songs till I die.

Maybe that was it. Since this is a world with Charles Xavier, death is less permanent. I probably died with a will that transferred the song rights to him and then got resurrected but forgot to go through the legal processes that would revert the rights to me.

Anyway, when I woke up I briefly dislocated my shoulder, but I'm fine now.

Bonus Question!

Trustworthiest X-Man?

On the whole, I'm inclined to go with Sam Guthrie, the Cannonball. He's a good kid. And nigh invulnerable when he's blasting.

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Copyright © 2011, Jaymes Buckman and David Aaron Cohen. All rights reserved. In a good way.