There’s a Frood Who Knows Where His Mask Is
You remember that style of kids’ PSAs that’d say things like “It’s cool to follow the rules” or “It’s hip to be safe”? And thus made themselves an easy target for facile middle school mockery? 2020 seems to be the year that’s determined to bear that out.
This is when even the crustiest punks are imploring people to practice social distancing and obey mask mandates.
“Yeah, you know that marathon month of hot box art show concerts we were planning to have in my unventilated 6-by-8 basement? PWYC, BYOB, dogs get in free? Yeah, um, I’m just going to do it by myself this summer. See you again when things have cooled down a bit though, yeah?”
And you see it, don’t you? You see two strangers walk through a parking lot, and the one in the mask is the one you’d want to hang with. He’s the one who knows what’s up. Remember when smoking stopped automatically making people look more attractive and ceased to be unequivocally cool? Now it’s just equivocally cool? You still might see the occasional person who looks good with a cigarette in hand, but they’d probably look about the same without it.
This feels like the step beyond that. Tacit visible agreement with the statements of health authorities is the new hotness in the year of the new cold.
Bonus Question!
Best mask?
Jim Carrey.