I've been eating a lot of chicken in recent times, and this has brought two things to the fore of my mind. First, chicken is really good. Second, the phrase "chicken dinner" seems to lack any real positive connotations. The first thing that springs to mind is along the lines of a dingy bingo prize, and things just go down from there.
Nevertheless. Chicken. Just grill a breast and enjoy. So good. Much chicken. All the chicken. Teach those fowls a lesson for not learning how to fly.
You know what does fly? A helicopter. Like the one in the new "Jumanji", sequel to the 1995 classic. Which I just saw. The new one. I saw the old one ages ago. In a hotel. But there wasn't sound at the beginning for some reason. And then we accidentally changed the channel in trying to fix it, which meant that we couldn't go back to the movie we paid for because that was how hotels did paid viewing in the 90s. Is it still? I don't know. But my father called the concierge to explain the issue, and the concierge let us view it from the start at no extra charge because he knew that it was an incredible movie.
I think that the last big thing Jack Black did was "Goosebumps"? Where he had to deal with a bunch of things that escaped from a work of fiction into the real world? And now he's hopping around "Jumanji", dealing with being taken from the real world into a work of fiction. The 1995 one had a bit of both.
And Dwayne Johnson's playing a scraggy boy in The Rock's body, which seems like a good prelude for his Black Adam role.
And Nick Jonas is the Robin Williams of this iteration of "Jumanji". I don't know what to do with that, but it's good too.
Oh. And Rhys Darby's Nigel character feels close enough to a live version of Nigel Thornberry to make me very happy.
Bonus Question!
Are there any chicken phrases that do hold positive connotations for you?
"Chicken and rice". In large part because I saw it on a soup can while I was listening to The Doors, which means that I now hear it with the tune of the "city at night" refrain from "L.A. Woman".