C'est la V
Guy Fawkes Day just passed, and I happened to hear a lot of allegations against celebrants who supposedly missed some or all of its various points.The fact that its current popularity in North America is largely built upon the masks that have become increasingly available through the phenomena of “V for Vendetta” and Anonymous produces similar arguments from adherents of both. There are people who say that the comic diminishes the revolutionary, people who say that the movie diminishes the comic, people who say that the activist group diminishes the character, and people who just think that the call for anarchy is nothing but the hyperbolic whine of the wealthy youth’s dissatisfaction with the illegality of marijuana.
I can’t really support any of these viewpoints with true conviction, but my disposition tends towards the apolitical. In light of this, it probably seems silly for me to talk about politics at any sort of length, but the only thing that could ever match my silliness is my verbosity.
In any case, I can’t doubt that V is a worthy successor to Fawkes. The revolutionary claims of both men, supposedly made in the name of righteousness, served only to justify what they did for the sake of their personal grievances.
In this sense, I believe that the mask is a perfectly appropriate symbol for the hordes of marijuana anarchists who give their own voices to enhance the immortal confusion of political discourse.
Bonus Question!
Best mask? The.